Business consulting for Artists

Thoughts on Creative Process //

Ramen Kazama

Ramen Kazama

I came across the image above on my desktop and it got me thinking about my creative process - and the weird, but helpful 'systems' I've created over the years to make our work. When I'm editing a shoot for a client, I have to see the overall scope of the shoot and how the images flow together. Have I told a story? Have I done it well? Is there an energy to the work that fits the client? Is there moment and beauty and expression? Are all of the colors on? 

Putting together a little random screen shot is super helpful to me, because I'm a visual person. Part of what I love about consulting is tapping into what makes each person successful and what their creative process is! I think it is both fascinating and brilliant how we each develop such a personal approach for making the things we do. Most of all, that process shifts, changes and grows over the years so our work gets stronger.  

I found this quote below that I love and speaks to the creative process:

"The creative process is not like a situation where you get struck by a single lightning bolt. You have ongoing discoveries, and there's ongoing creative revelations. Yes, it's really helpful to be marching toward a specific destination, but, along the way, you must allow yourself room for your ideas to blossom, take root and grow."

- Carlton Cuse, screenwriter

What is they key to your creative process?

Group Consults // March 2016

During the months of March, April and May, we are offering Group Consults in our studio. (You can find details here + sign up for future dates.) March marked the first round of these full-day workshops and it was a great success! 

This month, we came together with three freelancers - one graphic designer, one ghostwriter and one wedding photographer. Collectively we went over some hot topics that effect all of our industries, then we broke off into individual sessions for more in-depth critique and goals. 

I am personally very excited to see the idea of Group Consultations work out. There are so many of the same struggles and victories that we share as freelancers, no matter what industry we are in. It is also very cool to see different perspectives and approaches to each industry and the possibilities of crossing over. 

Some of the common ideas that we talked through were: 

  • Social Media Marketing + Strategy

  • Having a Healthy Relationship with Social Media

  • Business Structure (specifically with time management and taxes)

  • When to say No and When to say Yes to projects

  • Strategy to go 100% Freelance

  • Creating for your Dream Client

  • Branding

We are currently offering two more Group Consults this Spring - on April 22nd and May 20th. Each day is limited to three freelancers, so make sure and reserve your spot quickly!

The investment for a Group Consult is $650/day (a $1200 value). These days begin at 9am and wrap at 4:30pm, so you get a full day of inspiration! 


Creating Goals + Doing the Work

As we look into 2016, a lot of us will be looking back upon the last year - everything we accomplished to everything we didn't and we will also make a list of dreams we still want to achieve. I think goals are great. Many times in my life, I have written out lofty ideas that have somehow manifested themselves far sooner than I could have ever imagined (You can check out a recap of this year on the Photogen Inc. blog).


I wanted to touch on a topic that is often missed at this time of the year: Doing the Work. 

I've had countless conversations this year about 'What it Takes' to be successful in a world where it seems like every where you look, everyone else is having BIG things happen. It could be their epic breakfast or celebrating they got their laundry done - let alone all of the creatives boasting about their projects and ALL the work they have (guilty). My point is that it can be overwhelming - to see everyone else posting these big, exciting things and you might feel - how do I get all of that? Why isn't my success happening faster? It seems like it is instant for everyone else. The truth is that instant success is actually a myth.

Yes, some people are lucky and I am very happy for those who have the actual 'instant' success. But behind every successful person who is building something for the long haul, I would like to argue that before all of those sweet gigs, behind all of the social media attention, and before they truly made money in their business - they did the work. 

They worked two jobs. They put in the late nights and early mornings. They networked. They fostered relationships. They made phone calls. They were praised and they were called not good enough. They were challenged and they learned how to thrive in that. They showed up every day to create. They made the work - no matter what other people might think of it. They learned to listen to people's opinions, but they didn't put their self worth in that. They asked the hard questions. They took the risks. They were tired. They had to take a break. They chose to still do the work after rest. They discovered themselves a little more each day and they began to understand the purpose of their passion. 

They put in their 10,000 hours. 

They did the work. 

It is such a simple idea, but one that many freelancers, creatives, and small business owners forget all too easily. A lot of the big success comes from the tiny victories. It comes from actually sitting down, being focused, and doing the work. It comes from the dedication of practicing your craft and knowing why you are doing what you love. 

So, this year, as you make your goals for 2016, I encourage you to definitely list out your goals - and dream big. But also spend some time thinking and planning how you will work towards these goals. What are the small steps you will do to make sure you are making progress? 

Who are the people you will surround yourself with? How can you plan out your days to be more efficient? What do you need to cut to create more space and allow yourself to grow? What little thing will you do for yourself to make you happy?

I would also like to acknowledge that your daily to-do-list is very different from setting your goals. Your Goals should be the big picture and your to-do-list is a daily list of attainable actions that drive productivity towards your current projects and those big picture ideas. 

I'm a big list person and last year, I started using the Momentum App as my google homepage. It allows you to set your intention for the day, manage your to-do-list, and even gives you an inspiring quote and a pretty picture. I can't tell you how many times I have gone to open Facebook and am reminded of what I actually HAVE to do. It keeps me on track and has been a lovely tool. 


Hell, buy yourself a fresh new notebook, clean your office and post those goals on your wall. Look at them often and I bet you will be pleasantly surprised in just how far you have come in a few months! 

Here is to the New Year and all of the exciting things to come! 

Welcome to ELIESA Consults!


Woo hoo!

I am so excited to finally launch ELIESA Consults! Business consulting for artists has been a part of my business for the past 7 years, but I never had a space for this to live until now. One of my business goals for 2015 was to unify all of our brands and create a home for our consulting clients + workshops. This new site offers information about both hourly and full day consultations, as well as speaking engagements

When I started mentoring  photographers in 2009 it seemed like a great idea for me to have this branded as a fluffy-feel-good company. Running your own business isn't all pretty, but it's also not all fear based. I grew out of this old branding quite quickly and realized that I had a lot more to offer and wanted to bring a real-life-perspective to those I mentored. I wanted to take it to the next level and create a serious consulting company. Over time, I started giving more speeches + talks to colleges and private organizations, contributing to magazine articles and having more hourly consultations - both in our studio and over skype. The last couple of years has brought along another shift. Our consulting clients have expanded from photographers to freelancers and small business owners alike in the creative world.  

Consulting has become one of my greatest passions. I feel that it is an honor to guide, mentor and teach our clients and these people equally empower and inspire me. If you are interested in a consultation, send me a note and we can get you all set up

Along with this new site, I will be starting to offer more workshops + learning opportunities. As we gather our ideas for these moving forward, I would love to hear what you are interested in learning about

Back in 2008, I was at a Brother Ali concert and he happened to say this quote that I have always drawn inspiration from. It was in that moment that I knew I had to teach others around me:

This Industry should not be a competition, but rather a collaboration. 

So here's to creating a positive community, filled with empowering one another to create successful businesses!