Ramen Kazama
I came across the image above on my desktop and it got me thinking about my creative process - and the weird, but helpful 'systems' I've created over the years to make our work. When I'm editing a shoot for a client, I have to see the overall scope of the shoot and how the images flow together. Have I told a story? Have I done it well? Is there an energy to the work that fits the client? Is there moment and beauty and expression? Are all of the colors on?
Putting together a little random screen shot is super helpful to me, because I'm a visual person. Part of what I love about consulting is tapping into what makes each person successful and what their creative process is! I think it is both fascinating and brilliant how we each develop such a personal approach for making the things we do. Most of all, that process shifts, changes and grows over the years so our work gets stronger.
I found this quote below that I love and speaks to the creative process:
"The creative process is not like a situation where you get struck by a single lightning bolt. You have ongoing discoveries, and there's ongoing creative revelations. Yes, it's really helpful to be marching toward a specific destination, but, along the way, you must allow yourself room for your ideas to blossom, take root and grow."
- Carlton Cuse, screenwriter
What is they key to your creative process?